Adani Meet

Tackling it the hybrid way

The world is currently moving toward renewable energy since it is pollution-free, limitless, and sustainable. It is appealing because of special applications in areas like off-grid systems in rural areas, distributed power generation, micro-grid systems, electricity generation, space and water heating, more efficient transportation systems, and space and satellite systems. Renewable energy is the answer to the world’s energy supply issues because it is both readily available and environmentally beneficial.

The challenges: There are three fundamental problems with renewable energy. Solar energy output is limited to certain hours of the day. Second, it depends on sporadic sources; energy is generated only when the sun shines or the wind blows. Third, its use results in a reduction in the use of transmission lines. This may make it more difficult to balance the highest power demand with renewable energy output (for example, during the evening when solar energy isn’t accessible) and increases transmission costs. Therefore, it is necessary to have flexible energy supplies that can quickly scale up or down. These can include energy storage technologies or power sources like gas or hydro.

The solution:  AGEL is redefining the energy landscape by constructing hybrid power plants. With careful planning, it identifies the best spots to maximise energy output by combining wind and solar resources. It not only chooses the best sites for transmission projects but also carefully plans the lines to carry clean energy from outlying areas to cities. With this planning, it is able to construct hybrid plants that work in harmony with the sun and wind. This opens the door to a more sustainable future.

By encouraging cooperation and innovation, AGEL aims to establish hybrid energy as the leading force in the energy sector. Future generations may look forward to a clean, dependable, and sustainable energy landscape, with AGEL leading the way.

The impact: The outcomes are quite thrilling. AGEL’s competence is demonstrated by the Rajasthan project, which is the largest solar-wind hybrid cluster in the world. Imagine 2,140 MW of clean, uninterrupted power to light up millions of homes. This is a step towards a cleaner and brighter future, and not merely a technical marvel. The company’s aim of 45 GW by 2030 is in line with India’s decarbonisation objectives. AGEL is committed to using technology to lower the Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE) in order to facilitate the widespread use of reasonably priced renewable energy.

AGEL has just begun. Stay tuned for more such endeavours that are sure to light up the world.