Adani NGO

Planting the seeds for SDGs

A comprehensive collection of international objectives, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations aim to end poverty, safeguard the environment, and enhance living conditions for all people. In 2015, every member state of the UN signed the SDGs. The SDGs are used as a framework to evaluate and monitor our impact. 

The cornerstone of Agenda 2030, an ambitious goal to create a more equitable, just, sustainable, and prosperous world for future generations, is represented by the ‘5 Ps’ of the SDGs: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships. 

Understanding the interdependence of the SDGs is made easier by using the ‘5 P’ paradigm, which states that fulfilling one SDG will help achieve the others. They serve as a roadmap for a better future, which we can achieve only by taking a thorough approach and incorporating each of the four ‘Ps’ in our activities.

The SDGs aim to build a more equitable and sustainable world by 2030 by addressing a number of interconnected concerns. No poverty, zero hunger, maintaining good health and well-being, high-quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, and cheap and clean energy are some of the goals. 

The Adani Group has always done its part through its initiatives to meet the SDGs and make the planet better for present and future generations. On March 6, students at Adani Vidya Mandir, Bhadreshwar, celebrated their 12th annual day by dedicating it to the SDGs. Six hundred students committed themselves to planting more than 25,000 seedlings, including mangroves on the coast, on the school’s grounds and beyond, over three years. Teachers meticulously planned the programme to raise awareness of the value of protecting coastal biodiversity.

Students creatively emphasised elements of coexisting peacefully with nature as part of the annual day ‘Utkarsh’. It served as an event to showcase the spirit and significance of all SDGs via skits, songs, poetry, and working models for water and environmental conservation. The school’s emphasis on incorporating sensitive and critical learning, including moral and value education, to help the children become responsible citizens of the world include exposure to the SDGs.

Every seed counts. What will you plant for a better tomorrow?